Ruben Samsys

Hoje, não Vos quero falar de imobiliário, investimentos, novos projectos, economia! Hoje quero-Vos falar de Gente, e quero falar-Vos de gente que faz a diferença na vida de tanta outra gente. A retomar estas minhas publicações, depois de dias de profunda reflexão, que sempre povoam a época do meu aniversário, em que invariavelmente me questiono, […]

Hotel Vermelho – Louboutin e o luxo dos detalhes!

Melides, no Concelho de Grândola, agora pelas mãos do famoso designer e criador de sapatos, Christian Louboutin com o luxuoso Hotel Vermelho de nome Português (que muito nos honra), entra na rota de uma hotelaria não só luxuosa, mas tida já, como “eclética e extravagante”, com o qual, passará a estar nas “bocas do mundo”. […]

City of 15 minutes – Future or Conspiracy!!

Much has been said about the city of 15 minutes, a concept by award-winning scientist Carlos Moreno, but which actually gained some strength and notoriety with the mayor of Paris – Anne Hidalgo. And again, during Mipim 2023, which took place last week in Cannes, we heard the reinforcement of this concept, in some of […]

Porto Tourism Region – are we looking for a historic 2023?!

Could 2023 be a historic year for the tourism region of Porto and Northern Portugal? This is the conviction of the head of the tourist promotion agency, for Porto and North of Portugal. We could attract six new airlines, that will star operating to Francisco Sá Carneiro airport, this summer. The companies that already schedule […]

Why you should choose Portugal to live?

The New Year is here, and we are back on this 2023, with news and information from our Country – Portugal, and also with our special and deep connection with our City – Porto. We begin this year, again, with reasons to be so proud! Portugal was considered on the, the best place to […]
